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The Process of Bringing your Puppy Home

When you buy a puppy from Paradise Doodles, you become a part of our family and our incredible community. To get a Paradise Doodle puppy is fairly simple, but you might have to wait a little bit to get your perfect puppy.
The first step, in getting a Paradise puppy, is to fill out an application. Once you have filled it out, we will get back to you as soon as possible. If everything on your application looks good, we will give you the option to talk on the phone. We feel strongly that we are our puppies' voices and we need to make sure we are just as comfortable with allowing you to have one of our puppies as you are with us! After we have talked on the phone, I've answered all of your question, and we both feel like moving forward is a good option, you will be able to pay the "reservation fee" to get on our master wait list.
The reservation fee is $500 and is nonrefundable. We spend a lot of time with applications and finding great families, and that is why the reservation fee is nonrefundable. We want you to truly want a puppy that is raised in our home. You can pay the reservation fee via Venmo. After you have paid it, we will confirm we have received it and your name will be added to our waitlist.
Ok, now you have filled out the application, talked to us on the phone, and have paid the reservation fee, NOW WHAT?
This is the hardest part, waiting. We are parents of four little boys so we can't have as many litters in our home, every year, as some big breeders do. We raise each and every puppy in the heart of our home, our kitchen. They interact with us all day long and we raise them on a therapy grade program. Because we put our family and the puppies first, we limit the number of litters each year.
Families get to choose their puppy based on when they paid their "reservation fee". When a litter is born, we will contact each person on our list and give them the option to bring home a puppy from the current litter or stay on the waitlist for the next litter. If you choose to stay, you will be moved up the waitlist. (I've had people stay on my waitlist for 2 years until they got their perfect puppy.)
Once you have decided to move from the waitlist to a litter list, you will start getting updates on the puppies. We take weekly puppy pictures and also send you a lot of pictures and videos during the entire 8 weeks. With each litter, we setup a website so everyone can follow along and watch/read the entire process of raising them. When they are 3 days old, we start their curriculum. You will be able to watch the puppies grow and change as they get bigger.
At 7 weeks old, I do a full evaluation on each puppy. I record these evaluations and also give you a report on each puppy. You will fill out a survey to help let me know which type of puppy you are wanting. This is the most IMPORTANT step in the entire process, matching you up with the right puppy. You ultimately get to choose your puppy, but I will help you! We will be able to Facetime during the puppy selection process. AND JUST TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS, I WONT LET YOU CHOOSE YOUR PUPPY UNTIL THEY ARE 7 WEEKS OLD AND HAVE COMPLETED THE PUPPY EVALUATIONS. Once you have chosen your puppy, it's time to start getting them ready to go home.
How do we get your puppy to you?
It's crazy, but out of the 6 years of breeding, only 4 puppies have stayed in Utah. We have puppies all over the country! We HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY encourage you to fly to Salt Lake City Airport (if you live out of state) and drive up to Logan, UT, TO OUR HOME, to pick up your puppy in person. Meeting the families is our favorite part. You will be able to talk with me and I can show you exactly how we have been crate training, started simple commands, their routine, ect. Now, we understand that some people can't do that. We do have an amazing flight nanny that can fly your puppy to you (you are responsible for paying this fee) or you can fly into the SLC airport and we can meet you there. We do highly recommend that you come to our house to pick up your puppy, though.
So now you are at home with your puppy, what's next with Paradise Doodles? Remember how I said once you buy a Paradise puppy, you are family forever and a part of a community? It's the truth! I will get you connected on our Paradise Doodles Facebook group and you are able to talk with me about anything and everything throughout your dogs life. Never hesitate to contact me. We also love puppy updates!!
If anyone has anymore questions about the entire process, you can text me at 435-363-5544. Im happy to answer any questions!

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